Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Zoo- Spring Break

Lindsay and her run of Luck

Monday night Lindsay spent the night at her friend Brianna's house. The next morning I got a call from Natalie that she thinks Lindsay broke her finger. She said Brianna and Lindsay were playing around and they heard a "pop" and Lindsay's finger was going the wrong direction. I couldn't believe it. I must have a weak stomach because I started to feel feint and dizzy. I am not good with having my children sick or in pain. The way she described her finger almost made me pass out. Good thing Natalie is there for Lindsay when she has accidents, I think she can handle it a lot better than I could. Anyway, while she was on the phone with me, Lindsay somehow messed with her finger and got it going the right direction. Lindsay sucked it up and put on a brave face hoping that she would beable to stay and play with Brianna longer. No such luck, we wanted to get it checked out. Luckily Jason was home, so he rushed to pick her up and took her to Urgent Care. If you look closely, you can see her finger (her ring finger) is wrapped. We got Blizzards because that always seems to help the pain go away in some magical way. The other kids were happy as well!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Breakfast for Dinner

My favorite meal is one that everyone will eat! Unfortunately in my house the only meals like that are those that were intended for breakfast. So, sometimes when I want to avoid the usual "I don't like that!" "That is gross!" "I would never eat that!" comments, I make waffles. Oddly enough, the usual negative comments cease and all I hear are praises and thank yous! Can you blame me?? Everyone needs to feel appreciated once in awhile! I love having Breakfast for Dinner!!
Sunday Activity

Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Cindy Lou Who

To finish the week of celebration for Dr. Seuss, the kids got to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character. Alisha chose Cindy Lou Who. I was excited because she has the hair for it. I only wish I would have slapped some fake lashes on Alisha to finish the look, but I don't have those lying around! Wire in the braids would have helped too. But, I think it turned out pretty darn cute. I think today I should get a "GREAT MOM" award! Not gonna happen, but I am just grateful for the opportunity to be a little creative. Mom's need that! (she is wearing PJ's, it was also Pajamma Party for her class today. They get to Stop, Drop and Read for two hours)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
In honor of Dr. Seuss
Monday, March 2, 2009
Am I Dying??
I try not to be melodramatic, but there are moments in your life when the thought crosses your mind "Am I dying?" Last Thursday
, the 26th, I woke up early decided to do a Hula Workout Video. This is not part of my normal routine, but I thought learning a little Hula while exercising would be a little fun. As you know, the Hula requires a lot of hip movement/shaking. I finished the video (yes it is a Video) and got the girls up for school. I hurried them out the door and ran up to take a shower.

My abs started hurting in the shower and I thought "wow, that was a great workout, I already felt it in my abs!) I got out of the shower and got dressed and my jeans were killing me. I took them off and put on my sweats. I had a mutual activity the night before with the Youth and I thought maybe I had gotten food poisoning. I wondered who else may have gotten it. It hurt to walk around, so I plopped into my bed. I could not get relief, it was like a labor pain that wouldn't go away. FOOD POISONING, was that was causing me this horrific pain? My husband felt bad, but had to head to work. He called my in-laws and had them come get Emily to school and take Tyler to their house. I
had to be with Stacy. How was I going to care for her, when I could barely function myself? I mustered up enough energy to make Emily a sandwich at my Mother-in-law's request. Just doing that 5 minute act just about sent me over the edge. I started feeling light headed and everything went black and white. Somehow I managed to climb the stairs back to my room and plopped down on my bed never wanting to get up again. I thought I was going to die. I called Jason with the last bit of energy I could and he didn't answer. I called to say goodbye. I was crying, not knowing how I was going to make it through this alone. He called back and said, "I just talked to my boss and told him that I can not come in today, that I needed to take care of you." He listened to the promptings of the spirit, he knew that I need him. Already I felt that hope was on the way.

He came running to my side and said he is taking me to the ER. He and his dad gave me a blessing and them we headed out. I do not like the ER, I think they move slow, everything about the whole process is slow- there is no emergency (unless you come in an ambulance, I guess.) For us cheapies that drive ourselves, we have to wait our turn. Anyway, we sat down and waited for my name to be called. The pain kept escalating and I wanted to lay down desperately. I kept sending Jason up to the desk to see when we were going to be admitted. As the minutes wore on, I could sense I was either going to throw up or pass out. They got me into a wheelchair and eventually took me into a room to answer some questions. I started losing my eyesight and feeling as if my life was slowly slipping away from me. Panic set in and I feared that I would never see my children again. I hadn't said good bye to the kids. I have so much yet to do here, this couldn't be my time!! The feeling was so real and very scary for me. I realized how afraid I am to die.
Luckily they rushed me back to my room and laid me out on the bed. At this point I felt a little better, hopeful that they would find the cause of my intense pain. My blood pressure was really low. They gave me an IV and some pain killers and I began to relax. The pain engulfed my whole abdomen. After tests and hours of lying there helpless, we found out that it was my Appendix. It was longer than normal and reaching from one side of my body to the other (like a snake). Ooohhh!! Thanks for the visual DR.! Luckily they fit me in that night and within three hours I had it removed. Thank goodness it was not more serious! I am grateful that it is out and I am alive! It has been a painful recovery, but I am grateful for the help I have received. I truly feel blessed. Life is a very fragile and wonderful gift we have been given. It is at times when we feel that gift may be taken away that we truly take the time to appreciate all that we have. I love my life and grateful for the family I get to share it with.
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