Lindsay turned 8 this year. She decided to wait a couple of weeks to be baptized so that she could be baptized with her best friend Brianna. It was a special day for them and it was neat for them to share that day with each other. It was great having my sister here to share in the special day! Thanks for coming Jeanette. It meant a lot to Lindsay to have you there. It was a wonderful evening. It was neat to share the night with our friends the Blakemore's.
It is a tradition each year to go to the local tree farm and cut down our own tree for our foyer. We love going and searching for the perfect tree. This year it was pretty warm when we went. It didn't seem right. Nobody was complaining that they couldn't feel their feet any more and that their hands were frozen. Oh well, there is always next year!! The kids loved running free amongst the trees and we did find the perfect tree!! Jason's family all came too. The kids had fun with their cousins.