This is a Lollitops Hat. The lady who came up with the ides actually lives in the St. Louis Area. I saw a little girl in the mall with one on and I asked her mom where she got it. I think it is so cute and it fits all the girls. Stacy LOVES it!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Our 2009 Christmas Picture. We took it with our little digital camera that has a timer. The kids loved using the timer and that is the only reason we got all of them smiling at once!
The annual ORNAMENT EXCHANGE this year was at the Clarkes' home. Everyone brings something to eat and we hang out for the evening. It is fun to see the different ornaments people bring and some of us have strategies on how to get the one we want. It is always a lot of fun! This year we had about 20 people.
We had a fun Christmas Season. The kids saw "Santa" at our Subdivision Party, their school and at our church Christmas Party. The Santa at the Subdivision Party must have just gotten back from a Tropical Vacation because he was freakishly tan for this time of year! The kids were excited to see Rudolph for the first time. It was so fun having Jeanette here for the beginning of Dec. She even made my kids pancakes in the shape of a Christmas tree, Santa, Gingerbread Man and a Snowman (Picture Below). It was incredible! That girl has skills! I have tried since to duplicate her craftiness, but I failed. I can do their initials and simple shapes, but nothing like the Frosty that she created! The kids love her and miss having her around to talk to and play with.
While Jeanette was here, we look her to a small local airport to see the Air Force jet that is across the street. Tyler LOVES to visit the jet and also see the planes take off and land. It's a fun place for us to go. Who knows, maybe when he grows up he may actually fly one...
My sister Jeanette came to town for Lindsay's Baptism. She stayed for 10 days. I was so nice having her here. The kids LOVE her and have so much fun with her. We went to the Annual Creches and Carols exhibit in St. Louis. It was really neat, but you can't take picture except for back in the children section. They got to dress up and have their own Nativity. It was cool. Stacy LOVED being the sheep and threw a fit when we tried to take the costume off. The kids loved going there and we are planning to make it a family tradition.