The kids had Stacy and their American Girl dolls on the couch saying how cute she was and that she could be a doll. So, She sat there and posed for me. I love the first picture because Stacy's two front teeth are showing American Girl style. She cracks me up. The bottom picture was her having her arms to her side like the dolls were sitting. We were all laughing at her and her many poses during her "photo shoot." I narrowed it down to three.
I think sometimes it is good to get away. Partly for your own sanity and partly for the fact that when you are separated from those you love, you tend to appreciate them a lot more. I think kids tend to take their mom's for granted and do not realize how much they love and appreciate them, until they are gone. I wasn't gone very long, but it was nice that my family missed me. I love my kids, I missed them when I was gone, but I LOVED traveling without them. I am glad to be back. I have the best family and I feel very grateful to have them in my life!
It was awesome flying over the mountains, they are beautiful. Utah is a very beautiful state. My parents just came home from serving an 18 month mission in Germany, so my sister and I decided to fly out for their homecoming. It was an awesome trip, I'm glad I went.
After we got off the plane and was greeted by our parents and our brother, Steve, we went up to our brother's restaurant. The food was great! I have been dying to have some of his BBQ ever since he opened last June. It was so fun to see him and his partner and long-time friend, Eric, at work. Greg's wife and kids came to the restaurant after we ate. It was so good to see all of them, they are such cuties!
I went out to lunch with some of myfriends from Timpview High. We try to get together when I come to Utah.
We went up to the Cemetery where my dad is buried
We had a Welcome Home Party for my parents at my brother's Restaurant. There were so many people that came. Unfortunately I was so busy that I didn't take any pictures of anybody. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone that came. The food was delicious too. I'm glad I got to be a part of it!
There is ice skating across from the Restaurant at the park. The kids loved it.
My parents gave an excellent report. My mom didn't use any notes. We were all impressed. She had a perfect recollection. Even Elder Dallin H. Oaks was shocked that she didn't use note cards. It was neat having so much family in the congregation. After the meeting, there was a crowd waiting to shake Elder Oaks' hand. It was crazy!
We went to visit my brother David and his family. I installed a sticker on the back of Jamie's car that matches her snowboard. She loves to snowboard. It was fun seeing them again. We also got to go to the county jail where my brother works. He took us on tour and introduced us to his deputies. It was cool to see, but I would never want to live there!!!
We went to BYU and got some stuff for Jason and the kids.
I visited with Tiffany Coon, who use to be my neighbor in Missouri. They moved to Utah a couple of years ago and we try and visit them when we head out there. It was fun to catch up! Her baby, Beckam, is such a cutie.
I loved looking out the window during this flight. The mountains are beautiful and the sheets of clouds are awesome. I had a great trip, but I am glad to be home.