Me with Jane Clayson

I went with some friends to Time Out For Women. It was amazing! It was nice to be there in that huge conference room surrounded by so many sisters that have the same religious beliefs as I do. Women who are all striving to be better mothers, wives, friends, etc. The greatest part is that we all struggle, get frustrated, have guilt, yell at our kids more than we should, and probably don't spend enough time with those we love, especially our husbands. What's great is that it is at times like this, you don't feel so alone and you realize you are a part of a much bigger and meaningful plan that our Heavenly Father has for us. I came home feeling uplifted and grateful for the responsibility God has entrusted in me. I was rejuvenated and ready to strive to fulfil my call as wife and mother with a resolve to "try a little harder to be a little better". That feeling lingered for awhile and then reality set in. I wish I could wear the "rose colored glasses" especially as a mother, but unfortunately my kids tend to turn them red!
They talked a lot about finding joy in life and motherhood at the Conference. I want to take time to enjoy the laughs, the smiles, the giggles, and the fun times. I want to stop what I am doing and actually hear the long explanation Lindsay has of her day at school, I want to watch as Emily dances across the room and sings a little tune, I want to see Tyler's face light up when he makes one of his ingenious creations, I want to see Alisha's face light up when she shows me her good grades, and I want to see Stacy walk around like a miniature (skinny) Sumo Wrestler spouting out orders. Everyone of my kids are unigue and each one of them need my individual attention. At Time Out For Women, Hilary Weeks challenged us to "Stop and Listen" to our children. I am striving to do just that. And I am happier. Life is simpler when you take a brake (from the cleaning) and focus on

What a great day!!! I need to take a time out too. What great advice.
I love your blog! Your family is so cute. I need to keep in touch better. We miss you.
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