So, I turned 36 this year!! I had a great B-day week. Jason was so nice to let me go out with my friends, go to movies, and go shopping. He also helped clean my craft room which gets so out of control- it is like the catch all room for everyone's stuff. Not anymore, I'm claiming it back!! I had a great birthday on Wed. My friend, Natalie, made me a strawberry pie. She cam
e over and we had some together. I'm bummed I didn't take a picture of it! Cammy, my sister-in-law, came over too and she ordered pizza for all of us. It was so nice. Our babysitter was sick, so Jason and I
didn't get to go out that night. It was a great day and amazingly enough, I dont' feel any older!! The day after, Jason's parents brought me a yummy White Mouse Strawberry Cake from a French Bakery. It was soooo good. They really do an amazing job. I don't even want to know how many calories are in a slice of that cake!!

Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was a good one and that cake does look amazing.
Glad you had a great birthday! That cake looks SCRUMPTOUS! (sp?)
That cake looks very yummy. Nobody wants to know about the calories, either. Something better kept a secret.
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