Wow, I can't believe my oldest is in braces! We went to three different Orthodontists and all three told us they wanted to do something different with her mouth. It was stressful for me, but ultimately I let Alisha decide. We prayed about it and she made her decision. I hope it all goes well. It is interesting how different each child's mouth can be. Alisha's teeth are so crowded and a little crooked and Lindsay's look straight. Jason and I both had braces, so I'm pretty sure we have many years of braces ahead with our five kids. Alisha got her braces a week ago yesterday. It has been a long week... spacers gave her alot of greif and she barely ate anything all week. She got her brackets put on last week (they are in the shape of stars) and today they finally put the bands on. Hopefully now she will beable to eat without pain...

1 comment:
I will be there very soon. Neither Jason nor I wore braces, but Mollie for sure will.
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