Ok, so I am just crazy enough to make another bag for church! I'm not sure how I find time to do extra stuff like make bags, sin

ce I barely have time to do all the cleaning and cooking I have to do. I think it's because when it's done, it's really done. Cooking, cleaning and laundry is an ongoing process that is never DONE. There i

s always tomorrow... Anyway, I guess that is why I put the other things aside for a little while and take the time to make a bag or work on Vinyl orders. I like
to check things off my list. It's a mental list, I hate making written lists! I do like the way this bag turned out and there is pleanty of room for all my church essentials. I really enjoy creating things...

And NO I'm not pregnant, thanks to Alisha's hand positioning I look like I'm 5 months or something!! Nope, I'm not- at least I better not be!! Just need to loose weight!
so when are you going to start selling these??? (in all your free time). Adorable!!!!
That's cute.... do you have one to match all of your dresses?!
LOVE the bag! You looked cute on Sunday, by the way. That dress is really pretty. I was going to tell you but you were dealing with your Sunday school drama:0)
Verrrry cute! I'll be expecting mine in the mail around January or so. ;)
Oh my goodnes, that bag is beautiful! I need a new diaper bag ;) ANd you DO NOT look 5mo pregnant. Have you seen MY belly? I AM 5 months pregnant! I was at David's Bridal yesterday (my mom works there) and mirrors EVERYWHERE. I about CRIED! I look like I AM due! ROFL! Seriously we are all too hard on ourselves. You look great!
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