Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I should of had a camera!

I have always loved the pictures of kids surrounded in messes and admire the moms that have a camera on hand when such disasters occur. For me, the camera is the last thing on my mind. When a mess is made, my mind imediately goes into clean up mode and I quickly undo the mess as soon as it comes to my attention, before it gets any bigger. But, I do have some regrets! Most disasters are snapshots in my mind rather than in my scrapbook, but I am going to change my ways. The past couple of months I had a couple of " should of had a camera" moments. Hopefully after this point, I will have pictures to share of the crazy moments that occur during my life as a mom.

1. One day I was making cookies and Stacy was on the other side of the island from me as quiet as a mouse and as soon as I realized she was being just a little too quite, I looked over and saw Stacy covered in dark red lipstick . It was everywhere! All over her body, all over my purse (Dawn antibacterial dish soap took it out, great stuff!), all over the kitchen floor, all over my receipts and whatever else was in my purse. It was a huge mess! I didn't waste a second, she was clean along with everything else with in 10 min. I was so mad I did't take a picture, it was incredible what a mess such a little bit of lipstick can make in the hands of a 1 year old.

2. I was talking on the phone to a friend and I saw Lindsay trying to open up a plastic package of graham crackers. I had a feeling that it would end up on the floor. For all those who know Lindsay, it is almost a given that whatever she touches will most likely end up on the floor, but I decided I would give her the benefit of the doubt and maybe she would prove me wrong this time. Lindsay labored to get that package open and finally she did and it exploded all over her, the table, and the kitchen floor. I could not help but laugh because I knew it was going to happen and it was so darn funny to watch. The poor girl!

3. One morning I was working on the Comptuer. Jason was in the shower and I heard a really loud bang. It sounded like my husband fell down the stairs. I paniced and ran up to the main level and yelled Jason's name and headed upstairs. My heart was pounding and Jason wasn't answering. Finally, I got to the top of the stairs and I saw Tyler with this worried look on his face. I looked into his room and saw his huge, heavy chest of drawers laying parallel with the floor with all the drawers underneath. I looked back at Tyler and then back at the five drawers crammed between the dresser and the floor and then looked back at him. He looked up at me and pointed to a little tiny microscopic scratch on his knee and said "I got hurt." Oh my goodness, how did he not die. He was climbing up the drawers to get his clothes and the whole thing came down on him. Thank goodness he is alright, but I would have loved to get that on video to see how he made it out of there before it came crashing down on top of him.

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